Michael Levine had a long and rich career that took him in and out of government for his entire professional career. As an academic he did tours of duty at the Yale Law School, the University of Chicago Law School, the University of Southern California Law School, Cal Tech, the Yale School of Management, the Harvard Law School, and ending up at NYU Law School. Mike took on a key role in the CAB in 1978 and 1979 during its push toward deregulation. Mike also had an extensive career in the aviation industry, serving at various times as an airline executive at Continental Airlines, New York Airlines, and Northwest Airlines.

Mike’s death on February 3, 2017 left a large hole in the lives of the many people with whom he lived and worked during his academic and professional career. On March 24, 2017, the NYU Law School and the Classical Liberal Institute organized a tribute to remember Mike. The event was attended by members of the Levine family, the NYU community, and other of Mike’s many friends and admirers. A video recording of that event can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXf73P78OiE&feature=yout u.be. Since that date we were able to gather additional remarks from people who intersected with Mike at various points in his life. The New York University Journal of Law and Liberty has graciously agreed to publish these tributes which are presented not in alphabetical order, but in rough order of the various stages of his life. What comes through in this composite portrait is the picture of a commanding presence who was fearless in his beliefs and dedicated to the many friends and students with whom he shared a rich, productive and memorable life.

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