Individuality and Freedom: From Aesthetic Individualism to A Modern Approach

This article provides a detailed study of the conceptual relationship between individuality and freedom. While individuality is often recognized as a valuable aspect of human life, its relationship to a social state of freedom is rarely examined. On closer inspection, there are various tensions between individuality and freedom. This article begins by introducing Mill’s theory of individuality and freedom, also known as the philosophy of aesthetic individualism. It then provides an explanation of the weakness of Mill’s approach, demonstrating inconsistencies between Mill’s vision of individuality, and the functioning of a free society. These criticisms and alternative interpretation are drawn from the work of Hayek. The third section of the article attempts to transcend the limitations of Mill’s approach by offering an updated interpretation of individuality. This approach combines the understanding of individuality provided by Mill with that of Hayek, in an effort to overcome the specific weaknesses identified in section two. The modern approach builds on a scientific basis of individuality, an economic understanding of institutional costs and collective action problems, and proposes an alternative interpretation of how individuality can flourish without threatening the freedoms engendered by social order. It is hoped that this modern perspective might reconcile dissenting views on this important topic, and show that the possibility of a free and peaceful society, composed of individuals “of all types”, still remains feasible.

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